psc.ap.gov.in Assistant Engineer Environmental Exam Syllabus : Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission

Organisation : Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
Designation : Assistant Engineer Environmental
Announcement : Syllabus

Home Page : https://psc.ap.gov.in/(S(2obdf0ou22svsc4uwmgw5e5t))/Default.aspx
Download Syllabus : http://www.syllabus.gen.in/uploads/946-Asst-Engineer.pdf

Assistant Engineer Environmental Syllabus :

Paper -I
General Studies & Mental Ability
1. Events of national and international importance.
2. Current affairs- international, national and regional.

Related : Syllabus for Welfare Organiser Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission : www.syllabus.gen.in/943.html

3. Basics of General Science and their relevance to the day to day life. Current developments in science, technology and information technology

4. History of Modern India with emphases upon Indian national movement.
5. Economic development in India since independence.
6. Logical reasoning, analytical ability and data interpretation.

7. Basic things about Disaster management (CBSE-VIII & IX Standard).
8. Geography of India- with focus on A.P

9. Indian Constitution and Polity.
10. Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection

11. Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, and legal implications/problems, including
a). Loss of capital city, challenges in building new capital and it’s financial implications.

b). Division and rebuilding of common Institutions.
c). Division of employees, their relocation and nativity issues.
d). Effect of bifurcation on commerce and entrepreneurs.

e). Implications to financial resources of state government.
f). Task of post-bifurcation infrastructure development and opportunities for investments.

g). Socioeconomic, cultural and demographic impact of bifurcation.
h). Impact of bifurcation on river water sharing and consequential issues.
i). AP REORGANISATION ACT, 2014 on AP and the arbitrariness of certain provisions.

1. Water Supply Engineering Sources of water :
surface and sub-surface water, aquifers, yield from wells, Infiltration galleries, types of intakes and design of intakes, collection and demand; quality of water, characteristics, water-borne diseases, water sampling and analysis, water quality standards;

Water Treatment : unit operations and processes for water treatment, sedimentation, coagulation and flocculation, filtration, disinfection, water softening, removal of colour, iron and manganese; aeration, Defluoridation of water, demineralisation of water, R.O. process, principles and design of various water treatment units;

Distribution of treated water, systems of water distribution, layouts of distribution systems, components of distribution systems, valves, analysis and design of the water distribution systems, Storage and distribution reservoirs; leakages and control in water distribution system; Rural water supply;

2.(i) Wastewater Engineering :
Systems of sewage collection, conveyance, and disposal; estimation of quantity of sewage and storm water, sewerage systems, sewer appurtenances, material for sewers, laying of sewers, Design of sewers, operation and maintenance of sewerage systems; pumping of sewage;

Characteristics of sewage, sampling and analysis of sewage, unit operations and process for wastewater treatment, aerobic, anaerobic, facultative and anoixic processes, principles and design of various wastewater treatment units, principles and design of septic tanks, disposal of septic tank effluent;

Common Effluent Treatment Plants, Zero liquid discharge; Disposal of products of sewage treatment; Sludge handling, treatment and disposal; self purification of streams; Building drainage, Plumbing Systems;

Rural and semi-urban sanitation; Urban storm water management, Impact of storm water, Management of storm water runoff, design of storm water drainage systems;

ii) Air and Noise Pollution :
Air pollution, classification of air pollutants, sources and effects of air pollution, Factors influencing air pollution, air quality standards; Meteorology and air pollution; Wind roses, lapses rates, mixing depth, plume behaviour, effective stack height;

Monitoring of air pollution; air pollution dispersion, estimation of ground level concentration of air pollutants; Engineered systems for air pollution control: control of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants; Noise pollution, characteristics, sources of noise pollution, measurements of noise, impacts of noise pollution; Noise pollution monitoring, standards; control measures;

3.(i) Solid Waste Management :
Sources of solid waste, classification, characteristics, generation, on-site segregation and storage, collection, transfer and transportation of solid waste; principles and engineering systems for solid waste management, treatment and processing of solid waste; landfills and their classification, principles, design and management of landfills;

Leachate management, disposal of solid waste; Hazardous waste characteristics, handling, storage, collection and transportation, treatment and disposal; e-waste: sources, collection, treatment and reuse;

ii) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Sustainable Development :
Objectives and concepts of EIA, types of EIAs, components of EIA, framework of EIA, policies and legal provisions of EIA in India; Planning of EIA studies, methodology for identification of impacts on environment; Environmental settings, indices, prediction and assessment of impacts, mitigation aspects;

Environmental Impact Statement; Environmental Management Plan, preparation, implementation, and review; public participation in EIA, review and evaluation of EIA; Environmental audit; Environmental protection acts of India.

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