bpsc.bih.nic.in Syllabus Head Master : Bihar Education Department
Organisation : Education Department and SC & ST Welfare Department Bihar
Recruitment Exam : Head Master 2024
Announcement : Syllabus
Website : https://www.bpsc.bih.nic.in/
Syllabus of Head Master
Syllabus for the post of Head Master under Education Department and SC & ST Welfare Dept., Govt of Bihar. (Advt. No. 26/2024)
Understanding Childhood: Developmental Perspective
Children and their Childhood: The Contextual Realities of Bihar Dimensions of individual development: physical, cognitive, language, social and moral their interrelationships and implications for teachers (with reference to Piaget,- Erickson and Kahlberg)
Adolescence: assumptions, stereotypes and need of a holistic understanding
Factors affecting adolescence: social, cultural, political and economic
The contextual reality of adolescence in Bihar
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Socialization and the context of school: impact of entry to school, school as a social institution and its notions in Bihar, value formation in the context of schooling.
Inequalities and resistances in society: issues of access, retention and exclusion.
Difference in learners based on socio-cultural contexts: impact of home languages of learners and language of instruction, impact of differential cultural capital of learners
Understanding of differently-abled learners: slow learners and dyslexic learners
Methods of assessing individual differences: tests, observation, rating scales, self-report
Understanding’ Identity Formation: emergence of multiple identities in the formation of a person placed in various social and institutional contexts; the need for inner coherence; managing ‘conflicting’ identities
School as a site of identity formation in teachers and students; school, culture and ethos, teaching-learning practices and teacher discourse in the classroom, evaluation practices; value system and hidden curriculum in school.
Concept: Meaning and definitions of education, Processes of education-Schooling, Instruction, Training and Indoctrination, Modes of education-Formal, Informal and Non-Formal
Constitutional provisions on education that reflect National ideals: Democracy, equality, liberty, secularism and social justice
Education for National development: Education Commission (1964-66)
Philosophy and Education: Meaning and definitions of philosophy, Branches of philosophy and their relationship with educational problems and issues
Philosophical systems: Schools of philosophy, Idealism, Naturalism, Pragmatism, Marxism and Humanism with special reference to their concepts of reality, knowledge and values, and their educational implications for aims. Curriculum, methods of teaching and discipline
Indian Thinkers: R.N. Tagore, M.K. Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda, Aurobindo Ghose, jiddu Krishnamurthi and Gijjubhai Badheka
Western Thinkers: Plato, Rousseau, Dewey,
Meaning of equality and constitutional provisions
Prevailing nature and forms of Inequality, including dominant and minor groups and related issues
Inequality in schooling: Public-private schools, rural-urban schools, single teacher schools and many other forms of inequalities in school system and the processes leading to disparities
Differential quality in schooling: Variations in school quality
Right to Education : Bill and its provisions.
Concept & Nature: Learning, Concept learning, skill learning, verbal learning, social learning, principie vi learning, problem solving
Basic Assumptions and analysis of the relevance of Learning Theories Behavioural, Social, Cognitive & Humanistic learning theories
Learning as a process of construction of Knowledge-Constructivist Approach to learning
Relationship of learning with school performance and ability of the learner
Concept of Motivation; types, techniques of enhancing motivation
Forgetting classroom learning-meaning and its causes; strategies for improving retention of learning
Meaning of learning to learn skills; Ways of developing self-study
An analysis of teacher’s roles and functions, skills and competencies in the Pre-active phase – visualizing, decision-making on outcomes, preparing and organization; Interactive phase- facilitating and managing learning; Post-active phase-assessment of learning outcomes, reflecting on pre-active, interactive and post-active processes
Characteristics associated with effective teachers; Teacher’s professional identity – what does it entail?
Visualizing: The learner and learning readiness characteristics, the subject matter content and their inter-linkages, the learning resources, approaches/strategies.
Decision making on outcomes: Establishing general instructional goals, specification of objectives and standards for learning, allocation of instructional time for various activities/tasks-instructional time as a variable in learning.
Preparing for instruction: Identifying selecting available learning resources or developing required learning resource.
Preparation of a plan: Unit plan and Lesson plan.
Motivating the learners and sustaining their attention-importance of stimulus variation and reinforcement as skills.
Questioning, Illustration and explanation as teacher competencies influencing student- learning in the classroom;
Strategy of Teaching -a) Expository Strategy as approach to teaching for discussion demonstration, the Advance Organizer understanding: Presentation Model; (b) Inquiry Strategy as approach to teaching thinking skills and construction of knowledge Concept attainment/ Concept formation, Inductive thinking, Problem based learning/Project Based Learning.
Approaches to Small Group and Whole group Instruction Cooperative and Collaborative approaches to learning. Brain storming, Role play and Dramatization, Group discussion, Simulation and Games, Debate, Quiz and seminar.
How children learn language with special reference to Skinner, Chomsky, Piaget and Vygotsky.
Social and cultural context of language: Language and Gender, Language and Identity, language and Power, language and Class (Society)
Political context of language; Multilingual perspective of India and Bihar, Constitutional provisions related to languages in India
Language and construction of knowledge; Understanding the objectives of learning languages; imagination, creativity, sensitivity, skill development
Critical review of Medium of Instruction; Different school subjects as registers;
Position of Languages in India; articles 343-351, 350A;
What are Academic Disciplines? Need/Perspectives of the classification of Human
knowledge into disciplines & Subjects;
1. The Philosophical Perspective: Unity and plurality
2. The Anthropological Perspective: Culture and Tribes
3. The Sociological Perspective: Professionalization and Division of Labour
4. The Historical Perspective: Evolution and Discontinuity
5. The Management Perspective: Market and Organization
6. The educational Perspective: Teaching and Learning
Research in subject/discipline: Methods of data collection in the subject, Drawing conclusion, generalization and theory development Preparing, reference, notes and bibliography
What is Interdisciplinary learning? Interdisciplinary learning-a dialectical process
What criteria can be used for quality assurance of interdisciplinary subjects?
General Studies Syllabus
The Subject on General Studies will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge :-
** General Science.
** Current events of national and international importance.
** History of India and salient features of the history of Bihar.
** Indian National movement and the part played by the Bihar in it,
** Geography.
** Indian Polity.
** Indian Economy.
** Elementary Mathematics and Mental ability test.
Details of the above mentioned subjects as:-
** Questions on General Science will cover general appreciation and under- standing of science, including matters of everyday observation and experience, as may be expected of a educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline.
** Questions on Current events of national and international importance consist of national and international events including Bihar.
** In History, emphasis will be on broad general under-standing of the subject in its social, economic and political aspects. The candidates are expected to be familiar with the broad aspects of the history of Bihar.
** Indian National Movement will relate to the nature and character of the nineteenth century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence and candidates will be expected to answer questions on the role of Bihar in the freedom movement of India.
** General Geography and geographical division of Bihar and its major river systems. Questions on Geography of India and Bihar will relate to physical, social and economic Geography of the country including the main features of Indian agricultural and natural resources.
** Questions on Indian polity will test knowledge on the Indian Constitution, Country’s political system, Panchayati Raj and Various development Programmes.
** Questions on Indian Economy will test knowledge on Basic economy, Indian economy and economy of Bihar.
** Questions on Elementary Mathematics and Mental ability will test.
Download Syllabus
Head Master Syllabus here : https://www.syllabus.gen.in/uploads/pdf2024/3328-hm.pdf