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Kumaun University U-SET Syllabus Uttarakhand State Eligibility Test USET :

Organisation : Kumaun University
Entrance Exam : Uttarakhand State Eligibility Test USET U-SET
Document Type : Syllabus
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Uttarakhand State Eligibility Test USET Syllabus

All questions of Paper-II will be compulsory, covering entire syllabus (including alternatives, without options). Syllabi for all U-SET subjects can be downloaded from the U-SET website ( with a link at Kumaun University website ( U-SET Coordinating institution will not send the syllabus to individual candidates.

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Subject: English Code No. : 30
Unit –I : Drama
Unit –II : Poetry
Unit –III : Fiction, short story
Unit –IV : Non-Fictional Prose
NOTE: The first four units must also be tested through comprehension passages to assess critical reading, critical thinking and writing skills. These four units will cover all literatures in English.
Unit –V : Language: Basic concepts, theories and pedagogy. English in Use.
Unit –VI : English in India: history, evolution and futures
Unit –VII : Cultural Studies
Unit –VIII : Literary Criticism
Unit –IX : Literary Theory post World War II
Unit –X : Research Methods and Materials in English

Code No.: 01
Unit-1 : Micro Economics
** Theory of Consumer Behaviour
** Theory of Production and Costs
** Decision making under uncertainty Attitude towards Risk
** Game Theory – Non Cooperative games
** Market Structures, competitive and non-competitive equilibria and their efficiency properties
** Factor Pricing
** General Equilibrium Analysis
** Efficiency Criteria: Pareto-Optimality, Kaldor – Hicks and Wealth Maximization
** Welfare Economics: Fundamental Theorems , Social Welfare Function
** Asymmetric Information: Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard

Unit-2 : Macro Economics
** National Income: Concepts and Measurement
** Determination of output and employment: Classical & Keynesian Approach
** Consumption Function
** Investment Function
** Multiplier and Accelerator
** Demand for Money
** Supply of Money
** IS – LM Model Approach
** Inflation and Phillips Curve Analysis
** Business Cycles
** Monetary and Fiscal Policy
** Rational Expectation Hypothesis and its critique

Unit- 3 : Statistics and Econometrics
** Probability Theory: Concepts of probability, Distributions, Moments, Central Limit theorem
** Descriptive Statistics – Measures of Central tendency & dispersions, Correlation, Index Numbers
** Sampling methods & Sampling Distribution
** Statistical Inferences, Hypothesis testing
** Linear Regression Models and their properties – BLUE
** Identification Problem
** Simultaneous Equation Models – recursive and non-recursive
** Discrete choice models
** Time Series Analysis

Unit-4 : Mathematical Economics
** Sets, functions and continuity, sequence, series
** Differential Calculus and its Applications
** Linear Algebra – Matrices, Vector Spaces
** Static Optimization Problems and their applications
** Input-Output Model, Linear Programming
** Difference and Differential equations with applications

Unit-5 : International Economics
** International Trade: Basic concepts and analytical tools
** Theories of International Trade
** International Trade under imperfect competition
** Balance of Payments: Composition, Equilibrium and Disequilibrium and Adjustment Mechanisms
** Exchange Rate: Concepts and Theories
** Foreign Exchange Market and Arbitrage
** Gains from Trade, Terms of Trade, Trade Multiplier
** Tariff and Non-Tariff barriers to trade; Dumping
** GATT, WTO and Regional Trade Blocks; Trade Policy Issues
** IMF & World Bank

Unit-6 : Public Economics
** Market Failure and Remedial Measures: Asymmetric Information, Public Goods, Externality
** Regulation of Market – Collusion and Consumers’ Welfare
** Public Revenue: Tax & Non-Tax Revenue, Direct & Indirect Taxes, Progressive and non-Progressive Taxation, Incidence and Effects of Taxation
** Public expenditure
** Public Debt and its management
** Public Budget and Budget Multiplier
** Fiscal Policy and its implications

Unit-7 : Money and Banking
** Components of Money Supply
** Central Bank
** Commercial Banking
** Instruments and Working of Monetary Policy
** Non-banking Financial Institutions
** Capital Market and its Regulation

Unit-8 : Growth and Development Economics
** Economic Growth and Economic Development
** Theories of Economic Development: Adam Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Schumpeter, Rostow, Balanced & Unbalanced growth, Big Push approach.
** Models of Economic Growth: Harrod-Domar, Solow, Robinson, Kaldor
** Technical progress – Disembodied & embodied; endogenous growth
** Indicators of Economic Development: PQLI, HDI, SDGs
** Poverty and Inequalities – Concepts and Measurement
** Social Sector Development: Health, Education, Gender

Unit-9 : Environmental Economics and Demography
** Environment as a Public Good
** Market Failure
** Coase Theorem
** Cost-Benefit Analysis and Compensation Criteria
** Valuation of Environmental Goods
** Theories of Population
** Concepts and Measures: Fertility, Morbidity, Mortality
** Age Structure, Demographic Dividend
** Life Table
** Migration

Unit-10 : Indian Economy
** Economic Growth in India: Pattern and Structure
** Agriculture: Pattern & Structure of Growth, Major Challenges, Policy Responses
** Industry: Pattern & Structure of Growth, Major Challenges, Policy Responses
** Services: Pattern & Structure of Growth, Major Challenges, Policy Responses
** Rural Development – Issues, Challenges & Policy Responses
** Urban Development – Issues, Challenges and Policy Responses.
** Foreign Trade: Structure and Direction, BOP, Flow of Foreign Capital, Trade Policies
** Infrastructure Development: Physical and Social; Public-Private Partnerships
** Reforms in Land, Labour and Capital Markets
** Centre-State Financial Relations and Finance Commissions of India; FRBM
** Poverty, Inequality & Unemployment

Scheme of Uttarakhand State Eligibility Test

** Paper I intends to assess the teaching/research aptitude of the candidate. It will primarily be designed to test reasoning ability, reading comprehension divergent thinking and general awareness of the candidate.
** Candidates should occupy their seats in the examination hall 30 minutes before to commencement of the examination. No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall/room before end of the examination (12:30 P.M).

** Paper-I shall be of general nature, intended to assess the teaching/research aptitude of the candidate. It will primarily be designed to test reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking and general awareness of the candidate. Fifty (50) multiple choice questions of two marks each will be given, all are compulsory.

** Paper-II shall consist of 100multiple choice questions (MCQ) objective type compulsory questions based on the subject selected by the candidate. Each question will carry 2 marks.
** All questions of Paper-II are compulsory, covering entire syllabus (including all electives, without options).
** The candidate will have to mark the responses for questions of Paper-I and Paper-II on the Optical MarkReader (OMR) sheet provided along with the Test Booklet by black or blue ball point pen only.

How to Fill OMR Sheets for U-SET?

** Before beginning answer the paper, the candidate should write his / her roll number, Sl. Number of Question Booklet, subject code, centre code, signature etc in the appropriate space provided in the Test Booklet and OMR Sheet.
** The candidate should read carefully the instructions appearing on the Test Booklet & OMR Sheet and check that the Test Booklet & OMR sheet supplied to him / her is not defective and if so, may secure another copy from the Invigilator in lieu of the first one.
** The Test Booklet should be checked with reference to page number, serial number of the question, code number and the subject offered by the candidate.
** There will be no revaluation of OMR sheets.
** The Test Booklets and OMR sheets for Paper I should be distributed at 09:45 A.M. so as to allow the candidates to read the instructions and fill the required information.
** The candidate should be asked to open the seal of the Test Booklet for Paper I at 09:55 A.M. only.
** The Test Booklet and OMR sheet for Paper II should be distributed at 10:50 A.M. and the candidates should be asked to open the seal of the Test Booklet for Paper II not before at 11:00 A.M.

** Candidate must fill up all columns provided in the Test Booklet and OMR Sheet carefully. The Test Booklet Code of Paper-I & II (i.e. A, B, C and D) is also to be filled by the candidate in the corresponding OMR Sheet. Before handing over the original Ist copy and IInd carbon copy of OMR Sheets to the Invigilator, the candidate must put his signature within the space provided.

** The OMR Sheet for Paper-I and Paper-II have been designed for OMR based evaluation. If the candidate does not follow the instruction or does not fill up all columns properly, the OMR Sheet will not be evaluated. Any resultant loss to the candidate on the above account for not following the instructions shall be his/her sole responsibility.

** Each question has four alternative responses marked A, B, C and D. The candidate has to darken the circle as indicated below, as the correct response against each question.

** All the entries must be confined to the space provided. The candidate must fill in the appropriate circle clearly with blue/black ink ball point pen only. Use of pencil is strictly prohibited. OMR sheets filled with pencil will not be evaluated and the result of the candidate will not be declared.

** The candidate has to respond to the questions in the OMR Sheet only. If the darkening is done at any other place in the OMR Sheet, it will not be evaluated. The candidate should fill his / her response in the OMR Sheet after careful thought. Once marked, no change in the answer is allowed in the OMR Sheet. More than one response is not permitted and will be treated as wrong answer.

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